Etching is processing of the surface of an object to the action of an acid or other chemical reagents to remove impurities /usually from corrosion products/ and dissolving some alloy components, scale, and pearls after welding.
(most common) – closed loop: pump - tank - cleaning element - pump
(filling and emptying the device), this method is carried out when it is not possible to circulate the bath in a closed circuit
this method of chemical cleaning is the slowest method and most often it is carried out when there is no time limitation (in this method the bath can be mixed with air)
used for etching welds and very large objects / devices - mainly tankers
Etching and passivation of stainless and acid-resistant steels is performed by immersing in a bathtub measuring 900x1250x1750 or 600x500x8000 mm.
Larger elements can be etched and passivated by spraying or in the case of pipelines through circulation.
We have Certificateof the Polish Office of Technical Inspection UDT in the field of chemical cleaning and etching of devices subject to technical supervision.