HSEQ Policy

Quality, environmental, occupational health and safety policy

    The priority goal of EnvTech Sp. z o. o. based in Tarnowskie Góry in the scope of Quality, Environmental Policy and Occupational Health and Safety is to constantly meet the requirements of Customers by achieving and maintaining a high level of quality of services provided in the scope of rental and service of specialist equipment for cleaning and maintenance of devices in industrial plants and equipment for chemical cleaning - unclogging of pumping systems, heating and cooling systems and elements of technological installations of devices made of plastics.

    This objective is achieved while conducting business in harmony with the natural and social environment, in a way that involves ensuring safe working conditions for every employee employed by the company and those working under its supervision, as well as eliminating or minimizing the adverse impact of the business on the environment.

    Through our company's activities, we want to provide our clients with a full range of services that meet their needs. Our primary goal is to provide each client with the best technical solutions in the scope of the work performed.

    Aware of our responsibility for quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and employee health protection, we commit to :

  • compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements in the field of environmental protection, occupational health and safety and other requirements relating to the company's activities,
  • supervision over risks and opportunities for the processes implemented by the company,
  • monitoring the needs of our clients and interested parties,
  • providing services that meet the needs of customers and interested parties to the greatest extent possible and continuously improving them in line with their expectations,
  • ensuring timely deliveries and competitive prices,
  • preventing environmental pollution by limiting the use and, where possible, eliminating substances harmful to the environment,
  • the use of technical, technological and organizational solutions that enable the reduction of the burden of processes at the source and the implementation of rational waste management that does not pose a threat to the environment,
  • taking into account environmental protection and occupational health and safety issues at every management level, shaping a positive attitude of employees towards occupational health and safety and constantly raising the ecological awareness of employees,
  • providing the necessary human resources, special skills, organizational infrastructure, technology and financial resources to implement the established tasks in the field of quality, environmental protection and employee health and safety,
  • adapting workplaces, processes, installations, machines and equipment, as well as operational procedures and work organization to human capabilities,
  • communicating with employees and representatives of the occupational health and safety service and external environmental protection services regarding projects aimed at improving occupational health and safety, as well as communicating regarding minimizing the impact of the activities carried out on the natural environment,
  • using technical and organizational progress in implementing new services and technologies, as well as in order to prevent accidents at work, occupational diseases, near-miss incidents or potential emergency situations,
  • continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System and results in the area of quality, environment and occupational health and safety.

    The President of the Management Board/Managing Director undertakes to provide conditions and resources necessary to maintain and improve the Integrated Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System, compliant with the PN – EN ISO 9001:2015, PN – EN ISO 14001:2015 and PN-ISO 45001:2018 standards and, together with all employees, undertakes to promote and apply this Policy with due diligence, ensuring its up-to-dateness.

Chairman of the Management Board/Managing Director:
Paweł Berger